There's 29 repairs here, all of them are queued.

C:\Windows\system32>Get-Mailbox -Server EXCH01-SYD | Foreach False Queued 0 To prove that the workload management is causing problems, I checked for all mailbox repair requests across all mailboxes, and confirmed none of them were in progress. I eventually found that there is a corresponding The report repeats this for hours, until it eventually times out because no progress has been made. "Primary mailbox size = 11120110046, Archive mailbox size = 0, Large mailbox size threshold config value = 10737418240 The report shows: Report : 12:34:12 AM Setting up ISInteg repair run upfront for this mailbox since it's a large mailbox. If I set it to something like 50GB, all of the mailboxes will be moved without doing a repair. How can I raise the "Large Mailbox" threshold (message below alludes to it being a config option). How can I disable workload management for mailbox repair requests? As this seems to be what is stalling my moves/repairs, even when nothing is going on (it's the weekend at 4 AM on new hardware, and they won't budge). How can I edit the Mailbox Repair Requests that the Move Requests creates, with the -Force flag? As far as I can tell there is no Set-MailboxRepairRequest. How can I tell New-MoveRequest to skip the IsInteg run upfront? I will happily manually run them after the move. I can run New-MailboxRepairRequest with -Force and it will complete immediately, so I think it's just a workload management issue, but it's been a few days and repairs are still not completing. This seems to basically be a New-MailboxRepairRequest that just gets queued indefinitely.

Running Get-MailboxStatistics -IncludeReport shows that the move is stuck running IsInteg because they are large mailboxes. Most of the moves have gone well, however, some mailboxes seem to be getting stuck at Initial Seeding, and then after some hours of stalling here, fail at FailedStuck. I'm in the middle of migrating from Exchange 2013 to 2016.