An advance option to maintain source directory hierarchy at destination with converted files in respective folders.Simply Drag & Drop into list or Right click Open With in Finder or Drop on WPSConvert application to add files for export beside direct Add File/Folder buttons. Very flexible options to add files into conversion list.WPSConvert retains layout, images and graphics into target format.WPSConvert can convert Microsoft Works file formats into PDF and Rich Text Format (.rtf) files.wks) into Microsoft Office Word format (.docx) and Microsoft Office Excel format (.xlsx) respectively. wpt) and Microsoft Works Spreadsheet files (.xlr. Convert Microsoft Works Word Processor files (.wps.If you receive Microsoft Works documents as email attachments or you switched from Windows to Mac and wants to open and read Works documents? The easiest way to circumvent this problem (short of using Windows) is to convert Works file to either Microsoft Office documents (docx, xlsx), PDF or RTF using WPS Converter. DOC file you increase the chances that they will be able to open and work with the file.WPSConvert is a fast and easy way to batch convert Microsoft® Works documents into Microsoft Office documents, PDF and RTF formats. WPS file to someone, odds are they will not know how to open it. You probably want to convert your Works file to a Doc file for the same reason you came searching for these instructions: Works files are obscure and hard to work with since the software has been discontinued. I usually choose Microsoft Word 97/2000/XP. Change it to one of the Microsoft Word options (.doc).Locate the File Type drop down box and change it to All files (*.*).If you don’t have already installed, please do so. Change it to one of the Word Document options (*.doc).

Locate the Files of Type drop down box.